Monday, 5 November 2018

Evaluation: Corporate Video Production

Please begin this post by embedding the finished client video at the top, then respond to the following questions, including evidence and print screens throughout.

  1. What brief did you respond to (what was the type / structure) and what were you tasked with completing? Who were you completing it for?
  2. What was specified in the guidance from the client that you had to include / meet, and what was more flexible?
  3. How did you go about responding to the brief? Outline all key tasks completed (research, planning, development, review and revision) and include evidence of these stages.
  4. What was your specific, allocated, role?
  5. What did you have to do (specifically?)
  6. What was you favourite aspect of the task? Include more than one thing, if appropriate
  7. What was the most challenging aspect of the task? Include more than one thing, if appropriate
  8. What do you feel you took from the project? e.g., what will you reflect on as being particularly useful / developmental?
  9. What would you change of you were to undertake the task again?
  10. Provide evidence of feedback and research (flip book of questionnaire responses and feedback from client) and summarise the responses. 
Double block learners only - please add the following details (with as much evidence as you can provide):
  1. In what ways can you choose to present feedback / a review of your work and which have you used / experienced during this unit?

  2. What constraints did you experience when researching, planning, filming and editing your corporate video? Please comment upon;
    1. legal
    2. regulatory
    3. financial
    4. organisational.

  3. How well did you and your partner manage the task? Please comment upon;
    1. time management and working to agreed timescales
    2. leadership skills
    3. communication and communications
    4. meeting the requirements of the brief and achieving agreed outcomes
    5. recommendations for future tasks (areas for improvement and areas of strength)

  4. Feedback - please comment upon feedback, both from peers, teachers and the clients and based on self-reflection;
    1. peers
    2. client
    3. teacher
    4. partner
    5. your own reflection, including an assessment of your suitability for a position in corporate video production.


  1. the best possible visual art experience to each of our students. By offering a diverse range of courses in both fine art media and digital media we aim to give students a variety Washington DC Video Production
